In Memoriam 2001 - 2005

So last night I finally got around to completely finishing Six Feet Under. Over the years, I had seen various episodes scattered here and there. Six Feet Under seems to be absolutely non existent on British television in 2013 (like so many other shows, but thats another rant for another time). I really don't like streaming things unless I absolutely HAVE to so I figured i'd rather not ruin the experience for myself and watch it on DVD when I can finally get round to it.In September this year after a long period of deliberation (as in YEARS) I decided to take the plunge and buy the box set. Truly one of the best decisions I have ever made. Ever. I went through the 63 episodes relatively quickly. I got the box set at the very end of september and finished it on the 1st of December. I kinda wanted to pace myself and allow each season to sink in a little before I moved on to the next.

Last night, watching the final episode (in particular, the infamous last 10 minutes) I felt a real sadness. It was more than a "sad the TV show I've been watching is over" sadness. The last 10 minutes in particular are intense and I found myself re-watching parts of the episode a couple of times today. The poignant way in which the deaths of the surviving characters are portrayed is one of the most genuinely emotional things I have ever seen. The characters you have seen progress through 4 years of their lives age at breakneck speed before us. Six Feet Under is one of the few times where I haven't left a series finale feeling quite underwhelmed. Alan Ball really picked up the pace for the final episode. Another thing I love about the episode is the ambiguity of it. It doesn't try to resolve everything. The flash forwards in the final scene give us an insight into the future of the characters, but outside of that, we are invited to make our own mind up about what the characters did in-between times. Real life doesn't leave every single little thing resolved, and Six Feet Under is a true representation of real life.

Above is the final six minutes of the show (minus the brief goodbye by Claire to her family that comes just before it). The use of music here is another thing the episode has going for it. Sia's "Breathe Me" fits so perfectly.

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